Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I'm a stepdaughter three times over, and now a stepmum too - although my partner's 6-year-old enjoys lovingly reminding me I'm not actually his stepmum!
Mother's Day can be a funny one. In the past I've sent Mother's Day cards to lots of different people - my Mum, stepmums, my ex-partner's mum - I know as well as anyone that it can be tricky to find just the right card for someone who's not-your-mum-but-deserves-a-card-anyway.
I did a spot of research about Stepmother's Day recently. It's a thing in the USA - celebrated the Sunday after Mother's Day. There's also a "Stepfamily Day" in September. I'm in a few online stepmum communities, where there's a definite feeling that we deserve a "Stepmum Day" in the UK.
After doing a bit more research I learnt that most stepchildren are happier to send their step-parent a card on Mother's/Father's Day - rather than having yet another special day to remember/forget. I was also really happy to hear that lots of people celebrate special aunties on Mother's Day too.
So in response to this I've gathered together a little collection of things that might be handy if you're looking for a card for someone who doesn't quite tick a neat box, but definitely holds a special place in your heart.
And if you're not sure if you should be sending them a card then I'd 100% encourage you to go for it... it'll mean so much to the recipient when they open it!

And the final one, just to cover all situations:
Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who's helping to parent children - however they came to be part of your family, and whatever your situation is!